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Relacja foto Guano Apes we Wrocławiu

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~xuisy dnia May 27 2021 11:27:15
被迅速吸收。在禁食狀態下口服給藥的30至120分鐘(中值60分鐘)內可達到觀察到的最大血漿濃度。口服的平均絕對生物利用度為41%(範圍為25-63%)。在口服劑量後,威而鋼的AUC和Cmax隨建議劑量範圍(25-100 mg)中的劑量成比例增加。
~xuisy dnia May 27 2021 11:27:52
is rapidly absorbed. The maximum plasma concentration observed was achieved within 30 to 120 minutes (median 60 minutes) of oral administration in the fasted state. The mean absolute bioavailability for oral administration was 41% (range 25-63%). After oral dosing, the AUC and Cmax of Viagra increased proportionally with doses in the recommended dose range (25-100 mg).

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  • 1 Close to the heaven
  • 2 Neutral
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